Laboratory tests are used to find out what is causing certain symptoms, as well as to screen patients for various conditions and illnesses. Lab tests use a sample from the patient’s body in order to provide diagnostic results. There are various types of laboratory tests that your doctor may order for different purposes.
These include:
Different factors can impact the results of your lab test, including your race, age, gender, diet, medications, and whether or not you closely followed instructions given to you by your doctor before taking your test.
Laboratory tests can be used for a variety of reasons. They may be used to diagnose a medical disorder, or to monitor the progress of or changes in a condition. Your doctor may also order a lab test in order to plan a course of treatment or to evaluate how well a treatment is working. These lab tests may also be used as a routine part of your regular health checkups to screen for various conditions and / or any abnormalities or areas of concern. Ask your doctor at Washington Health Medical Group if you have questions about ordering lab tests.