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Building Healthy Bones for Life

Approximately 54 million adults in the United States have osteoporosis—most of them women. Bones are typically at their most dense at age 30. People are at the highest risk for significant loss of bone mass at age 50 and later. Your risk level depends on a number of factors, including the strength of your bones when you are young.

Osteopenia is not full-blown osteoporosis, but a previous “stage” where bones are weakened but without reaching the dangerous point signified by an osteoporosis diagnosis. In other words, the difference between osteoporosis and osteopenia is the individual’s measure of bone density.

How Is Osteopenia Diagnosed?

Your doctor can diagnose you with osteopenia buy ordering a bone mineral density (BMD) test, which examines the calcium levels in your bones. The most common BMD test is called dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Contact your doctor at Washington Health Medical Group to schedule a DEXA scan or to learn more about testing for osteopenia / osteoporosis.

Treating Osteopenia

Prevention is the best method when it comes to osteopenia / osteoporosis. However, even after an osteopenia diagnosis, there are effective ways to treat and / or manage the condition:

  • Maintain a healthy, balanced diet with plenty of calcium and vitamin D
  • Follow a good exercise regime that includes weight-bearing exercises
  • Avoid smoking and excess alcohol consumption

These are all important in preventing further bone density loss. Talk to your doctor at Washington Township Medication Foundation about lifestyle changes that protect your bone health. We’re here for you.

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