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Well-Child Checks

Giving Your Child a Healthier Future

Schedule regular visits with your child’s pediatrician as part of your child’s health plan. A WHMG doctor can provide you with information as to the optimal checkup schedule for your child’s needs. In anticipation of your child’s next wellness visit, you may wish to look at age-specific expectations and overviews that are applicable for your child and write down any thoughts or questions you may have for your child’s doctor. This will ensure that you and your child maximize the benefit of the visit.

Our pediatricians will go over issues such as:

  • Safety
  • Prevention of childhood diseases and injuries
  • Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Expectations for growth and development / expected milestones

During a a check, our team will write down your child’s height and weight along with other key information. Some visits may include hearing tests, vision tests, and other tests, along with immunizations.

Call the pediatrics department at WHMG in order to make an appointment with a Fremont pediatrician.

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