Long after recovering from the poliomyelitis virus, some patients may experience post-polio syndrome (PPS), a group of symptoms that typically appear decades after an initial polio attack. These symptoms appear, on average, 30 to 40 years after initial exposure. Approximately half of patients who had polio when they were young experience PPS.
This condition affects the muscles, causing weakness, pain, and muscle degeneration. PPS can affect muscles that were not apparently affected by the initial virus. The syndrome may develop slowly over time, with symptoms appearing prior to periods without change or further degeneration.
Some symptoms of PPS may include:
A physiatrist could help you cope with your symptoms and support a treatment approach that enhances stability, strength, and endurance. Learn more about the benefits of having a doctor of physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) on your team. Contact Washington Health Medical Group to learn more about our advanced physiatry program in Fremont, CA.